I was recently invited to attend a beautiful Press Preview where I was introduced to the uber FAB and talented Erin Condren and her spectacular line of show stopping, super high quality, beautifully designed home, entertaining and lifestyle products. It was LOVE at first sight! Her products totally speak to my design tastes and lifestyle and I instantly became a fan of her work. I flipped out over Erin’s Large Multicolored Paisley Acrylic Tray and was delighted when she gifted me with my own personalized version (pictured above.)
Erin is a normal, busy, multitasking SoCal mom just like myself, with an artistic background and she wanted to create a stylish life planner for women like her. People thought she was crazy when she created her first edition of a paper-not-techie Life planner in 2007, but she realized that even tech savvy women felt more organized and prepared when they created handwritten schedules, lists and goals in an old school planner. She also found that the more stylish, beautifully designed and personalized the planner, the more likely someone is to use it. The Life Planner is the product that launched her line and it is still her best seller to date!
And if the cover alone doesn’t grab you, all of her Classic Life planners come with the following super useful features:
- A 12-month planner, size 7.25″ x 9.25″ with 238 pages including tabs
- A laminated, heavy duty cover with the design of your choice
- Inspirational quotes throughout
- Laminated tabs for extra durability
- Perpetual calendar for birthdays and anniversaries
- Two-page monthly spreads w/ reinforced coil-side binding
- Goals and to-do lists for every week and month
- Weekly spreads divided into morning, day & night
- Meal/exercise/lists/etc. section for highlighted daily notes & activities
- Snap-in page holder that doubles as a ruler
- 20 pages of lined and designer blank pages for notes and sketches
- 2 pages to keep important numbers, contacts & addresses handy
- Double-sided “keep it together” folder to wrangle receipts, stamps, and other papers
- 240 colorful stickers to highlight birthdays, special events and reminders
- Bound-in zip lock pocket with 12 gift labels that match your design and “let’s get together” cards
- Sturdy aluminum coil that will not bend & allows your planner to lay flat
Doesn’t this sound absolutely FABULOUS? Do you want to win this beautiful organizer for yourself? Here are the details of this FAB Erin Condren Giveaway:
- Prize: One Erin Condren Customizable Classic Life Planner with all the fab features mentioned above (valued at $50)
- How to Enter: Please use the Rafflecopter Widget below for your entries. You can enter daily through tweeting & posting a comment on this blog post
- Restrictions: Must be 18+, US resident
- Contest Dates: 11/14/13 to 11/29/13 at 12 am EST
P.S. Make sure to come back and visit Romy Raves frequently during the holiday seasaon because I have many fabulous holiday giveaways in store for you! Tell your friends too!
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I make lots of lists
Being prepared is the best way to be organized. Having basics like good pens, nice clean purse-I like a few different pockets to keep things separate, a small makeup bag in your purse for those things you need to reapply, a PLANNER-and actually USE IT. Some good things to have are kleenex-people keep sneezing bc they need to blow their nose, scrap paper-but if you have a planner then you are set, Make sure if you use an app to schedule your appointments, to remember to transcribe them in your other planner, so you don’t forget about them. Thanks for the chance to win!
My best organizational tip is to make a list of appointments, chores, and purchases on a daily basis.
Use post-it notes to create small reminders for yourself and then you can easily remove them once you complete the task. Also, taking five minutes out of your day to create a to do list works wonders and allows you to make sure you accomplished everything you wanted!
Have a spot for everything – and label it
Lists, lists, lists!
Update your calendar frequently
I keep a private online diary of things I need to do, etc. and every morning I update it.
Find a partner that is organized if you are not!
I write to do lists all the time, for everything! Helps me stay on track 🙂
The best trick for me is to do a little at a time. Set a timer for 15 minutes and stop when it buzzes! Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed or you will never stick with it.
Im not the best at being organized but LISTS save me 🙂
My tip: write everything down in one planner!!!
For best organizing I keep everything in little baskets and you can hang them or place them on a table 😀
I make lists for everything to organize my thoughts.
Group like things together so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for.
The hardest part is getting started. Just get to it! Once you do, you’ll see it’s not so bad after all.
Would love to enter but don’t have Instagram. Best of luck to everyone!