Now that summer is officially in full swing, it’s time to up our skin cancer awareness as well as our diligence about suncare and SPF protection, so I have partnered with Neutorgena to tell you about their #ChooseSkinHealth Campaign as well at to host a fabulous summer giveaway that supports this important message.
Did you know that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime? Yet skin cancer is one of the most preventable cancers and with early detection, most skin cancers are curable. Skin cancer typically occurs where sun damage has been accumulated over time. So in order to help spread awareness about the importance of protection and early detection of skin cancer, I have partnered with Neutrogena to encourage you to tweet/post your personal #ChooseSkinHealth messages and take a simple step torwards spreading the word about how everyone can take small steps towards decreasing one of the most preventable forms cancer. Throughout the summer, you can also check out, which will show all of the buzz and ways people are getting involved in this worthwhile cause.
One of the simplest and best ways that I know how to prevent skin cancer is by staying out of direct sunlight whenever possible as well as diligently applying sunblock whenever you are going to be in the sun. And honestly, ever since I can remember, Neutrogena Suncare products have always been my go-to SPF products because they are available everywhere, lightweight and very effective.
Since I love spending time outdoors exercising, I am especially excited about Neutrogena’s latest suncare innovation, CoolDry Sport Sunscreen with MICROMESH™ technology. Finding inspiration in the sweat-wicking fabric of athletic apparel, the scientists at Neutrogena developed this brilliant new suncare technology which creates a breathable barrier on your skin and allows sweat to pass through the sunscreen and evaporate without making your skin feel sticky or greasy. CoolDry Sport allows your skin to breathe and makes it feel cool as you sweat, and better yet it stays in place even when you sweat during the most intense activities. That’s a pretty innovative SPF, especially for those athletic types.
So how would you like to be armed and ready for the summer sun and win a fabulous assortment of Neutrogena’s best Suncare for yourself? Here are the details of this amazing Summer Giveaway:
- Prizes: Three (3) Winners will each receive the following Neutrogena #ChooseSkinHealth Summer Sun Protection Prize Pack (each prize pack is valued at $75) and includes one of each of the following six Neutrogena products:
- How to Enter: Please use the Rafflecopter Widget below for your entries. You can enter daily through tweeting & posting a comment on this blog post
- Restrictions: Must be 18+, US resident
- Contest Dates: 6/23/15 to 7/8/15 at 12 am EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I am a Neutrogena Brand Ambassador and was compensated for this post and giveaway. However, all opinions and longtime love for Neutrogena’s stellar suncare products are my own.
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Stay hydrated and use a sunscreen lip balm:)
My advise is sun screen protection even on cloudy days.
Wear sunglasses and moisturizer with sunscreen
My favorite skincare tip for summer is to stay hydrated inside and out. Also, apply sunscreen any time you will be outdoors.
always put the sunscreen on!
sunscreen and chapstick always
Use sunscreen all the time and remember to reapply if out long or in the water
I have learned to put sunscreen on the ears. My son blistered last year because we never think about all of the areas that are exposed to the son. Thank you
Use sunscreen everyday, even if its cloudy! You can still get burnt when the sun is hiding!
Always wear sunscreen when you go out of the house.
Try to remember to wear sunscreen on top of your ears. Find a wide brim hat and wear it often.
Buy a sunshade umbrella and keep it in your trunk so you have it at all times.
I love the sun I don’t love skin cancer
My best tip is to use lots of sunscreen and wear makeup with spf.
My best summer skincare tip is to apply the first layer of sunblock right after my shower before going out for the day. After a steamy shower my pores are open and will better receive the lotion. This also ensures that I do not miss any areas where I might (and often do) miss spots because of bathing suit fabric- I prefer all over and even coverage.
I have 2 favorites for summer skin care sunscreen it is a must and water drink lots of it you will keep you skin hydrated
Don’t forget SPF lip balm! people seem to always forget your lips can burn just as easily, as well!
I would have to say moisturizer and sunscreen works best. Also a hat can help.
my tip is always wear sunscreen either in your make up or under your makeup
Always use sunscreen… directly if you’re going to be in direct sunlight, or use it in make-up/moisturizers as a daily use
I have had skin cancer so wearing sun block is so important when going outdoors.
Always wear sunscreen when you are leaving the house. It doesn’t matter if you are only going to be outside for a few minutes! And don’t forget to use sunscreen on your lips too!
I try to make sure to reapply sunscreen after swimming or sweating
Always wear sunscreen even if the sun isn’t out and drink plenty of water.
Wear little makeup
Always wear sunscreen even on overcast days. Also sunglasses to protect your eyes.
I use a Vitamin C serum to help boost my skin’s resistance to sun damage.
I use tons of sunscreen and try to stay out of the sun as much as possible.
Sunscreen in lip products and eye cream as well as face and body
I always wear sunscreen or tanning lotion when I go outside.
Apply sunscreen to hands too to prevent dark spots, wrinkles and aging.
The best defense your skin has for protection is a high SPF sunscreen.
I always put sunscreen on right after my make-up in the morning. I use moisturizer at night and lip balm with SPF also.
I use a moisturizer with spf every day, plus carry a parasol! Stylish and protected from the sun. =)
Wear sunscreen every day!
Lots of sunscreen and lots of water.
stray hydrated and plenty of sunscreen
I always put sunscreen on me before going outside; especially on my face
My tip is to wear sunglasses and a hat to protect your eyes and skin, and to always wear sunscreen outdoors even when it’s a cloudy day!
Do not forget to suncscreen your lips! I also use a facial moisturizer with at least a SPF 30 built in so I won’t get burned while out and about.
Use sunscreen daily and reapply often.
Put on sunscreen when you’re getting ready for the day so that it becomes a habit. Always carry a travel size sunscreen in your purse.
Neutrogena suncreen is my favorite, the Ultra Sheer Dry touch is what I have been buying for years. My tips are to apply before you leave the house. Keep covered when near reflective surfaces like the pool or ocean. Stay under the shade of an umbrella when at the beach. Thank you so much for this giveaway…I wish the price of Neutrogena suncreen was not so high. Thanks for sharing.
Katie B.
SPF every day no matter the weather.
Sunscreen is a must.
Make sure to reapply your sunscreen after jumping in the water and wear protective clothing like sun hats when you can.
My tips are to remember to always put sunscreen on your ears and use a lip balm with SPF. People in my family have had skin dancer on both of those spots! Also, wear a hat!
I usually buy sun sceening for the summer.
I use a moisturizer that has sunscreen in it — this makes sure you are protected on the short trips outside.
I keep sunscreen in my purse that way I can always reapply on the go 🙂
Stay protected by either sunscreen and things like that. Also drink water. We started doing that recently.
always apply sunscreen but also keep aloe handy
I use coconut oil to protect my skin from the sun.
Always wear sunscreen & reapply every 2 hours:)
I make my boys wear hats, rash guards, and i lather them up with sun block lotion, not spray. I apply it before we go outside and i reapply every hour.
I go out when it’s early in the day.
I always put on a sunscreen under my makeup to help protect me!
My best summer skin tip is moisturize everyday and wear lip protection.
I always buy my foundation that has SPF to help prevent sun exposure.
Always, always use a lot of sunscreen just got back from a little vaction where we were outside most of the time and yep first day forgot all about it we were all so burnt.
My tip is to wear a wide brimmed hat.
always put on spf, wear hats, dont forget to wear sunscreen even on cloudy days!
Always cover up!!
Be consistent and prepared.
Use sunscreen and hats!
I would have to say….remember to reapply sunscreen when swimming or if being outside for long periods of time.
I really don’t have any magic advice for summer skin. I just use plenty of sunscreen and chapstick!!
The best thing I can say is to never leave home without sunscreen on your face and body. Even if it’s cloudy outside.
A summer skincare tip I use it to take supplements that provide additional sunscreen protection for your body.
Always keep sunscreen on hand even if you don’t think you will need it…never know when an impromptu swimming trip will happen!
Sunscreen, sunscreen, and more sunscreen!
My best tips are the traditional ones. Stay out of the sun during the peak of the day, if you must go out cover up. Always wear sunscreen and drink lots of water.
make sure you at least have an spf of 15!! and stay hydrated in the sun
the key to sunscreen is to reapply often! And wear lip protectant.
I always make sure to wear sunglasses, a hat and put on sunscreen.
Keep sunscreen EVERYWHERE–including in the car, so if you do something on impulse, you can still protect yourself!
Applying sunscreen before and after going into the water! And drink water!
Protect your skin no matter what the temperature is outside by applying sunscreen.
After melanoma diagnosis & surgery, my husband’s dermatologist recommended Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch: less greasy/heavy and absorbs better for the guys.
My best summer skin care tips is to try to stay out of the direct sun from 10-2 daily and spend that time doing other things. Early morning and evenings are best to be outside.
apply sunscreen if you will be out in the sun longer than 20 minutes
Never go outside without sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat! Sunburns can occur even on cloudy or winter days!
My best tip is to make sure you let the sunscreen soak in before swimming and keep reapplying.
My favorite tip is to of course, wear sunscreen. Also, do NOT use a tanning bed.
Wash face 2x daily, moisturize, and basically do not go out during the hottest part of the day. Stay inside, fresh and cool, while waiting for the day to cool off. Drink plenty of water as well.
I always apply! I’m pale and don’t want to get burned!
I always apply! I’m pale and don’t want to get burned!
Wear a hat and always wear sunscreen… one big thing, if you are in the water or sweaty be sure to reapply it every hour or so!
I put on sunscreen in the morning with my regular routine just like I would a body lotion. One you do it for a few days in a row, it’s habit. If I go to a place where the sun is constantly on me, I reapply per directions on the sunscreen- always with my kids too!
I always wear sunscreen,lip gloss and I wear a hat. If I go walking, I take a bottle of water along with me. Thanks for this chance to win! I love this product!!!!! conie danielson
I use sunscreen before going to the beach, I reapply while i’m there, and if I do get a sunburn, I apply aloe vera gel or aloe lotion.
Use sunscreen every day, reapply regularly (especially on the hands, which lose coverage from hand-washing and rubbing off) and drink lots of water. I use a coconut oil and sugar exfoliator and it is great for soft, smooth summer skin.
Drink lots of water and always wear sunscreen.
apply lots of sunscreen and drink lots of water 🙂
The advice given here is right-sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!
I always have aloe especially for a sunburn.
Always wear sunscreen, even on the cloudy days!
Make sure to apply lip balm!
Got a new scar? Don’t forget to put on sunscreen daily to diminish the look. I remember to do this by keeping sunscreen next to my toothbrush.
i use sunscreen
& moisturize
Sunglasses anytime you’re outside.
My best tip is to keep reapplying!
The best summer tip anyone can ever give you is to wear sunscreen. The couple minutes it takes it so much easier than months and months of chemo treatments for skin cancer!
dont forget to put sunscreen on the tops of your feet and your ears! two often neglected areas that often get painfully burnt
Always stay hydrated drink lots of water and use sunscreen and don’t forget those sunglasses and sun hats or visors. When home exfoliate skin and apply moisturizer.
I use tinted moisturizer,SPF products and stay hydrated year round.
There are so many cute hats out there now, I like to wear one if I can .
Always wear sunscreen, reapply after swimming or after sweating a lot. Bring water and healthy snacks with you on your outings.
My best summertime skin care tip is to use sunscreen. I use 50.
SPF lip balm and sunscreen are a must!
My tip is to remember to reapply sunscreen often.
My best tip is before going out in the sun for the day, put on plenty of sunscreen and a hat. People usually forget up their head and hair. The sun can really damage the hair.
I moisturize with SPF and put lip balm daily
I use face moisturizer and sunscreen, drink lots of water and stay in the shade as much as possible.
I couldn’t live without an SPF tinted lip balm. I enjoy using Neutrogena’s tinted revitalizing lip balm SPF 20.
Drink lots of water and use sunscreen
Always wear sunblock no matter the weather
Use a separate sunscreen.
My tip is to allow at least 30 minutes of sunscreen absorption on the skin before going outdoors.
Always wear a hat and use sunscreen, reapplying it throughout the day.
Use a high SPF sunscreen, and apply about 30 minutes before sun exposure. Remember that you can get can sun damage even in the winter!
Best skincare tip is to always wear sunscreen! Also, protect your face/neck with a big hat if you will be in the sun for long 🙂
always wear spf, sun protective clothing, and stay hydrated!
Apples apply sunscreen, if you must wear foundation try wearing one with SPF
Set you phone alarm for every 2 hours to reapply sunblock.
Lots and lots of sunscreen!
Don’t forget your feet! I always forget to put sunscreen on my feet…
My tip is to always reapply sunscreen after swimming! I can’t tell you how many sunburns I could have avoided with this tip!
I always use a facial moisturizer with SPF. Instead of heavy foundation, I use a tinted mosturizer with SPF. Don’t forget chapstick & sunglasses which are a must.
Sunscreen labeled with “water resistant” indicates that the product will stay on the skin even if it gets wet. Most water resistant labels are followed with “40 minutes” or “80 minutes” and this indicates how long you need to reapply the product again.
mine would be stay hydrated and in the shade too and use aloe plant for sun burns
Use sunscreen every day, year round. It’s worth it!
a lighter moisturizer and lots of sunscreen, so this is a great giveaway. i love neutrogena products, use them every day.
I have fair skin so sunscreen is a must, even lip products with SPF!
I have a sun hat that’s kinda dorky but definitely helps protect me from the sun when I’m outside in the yard.
Wear a hat! I big giant hat!
Apply sunscreen liberally 30 minutes before you go outdoors.
I use plenty of screen all over. I moisturize and exfoliate daily. Wear white long sleeve shirt and cover up in the sun.
Sunscreen must be reapplied throughout the day. Read the label to see how often. Some products only last 80 minutes or less!
Wear a big hat to cover the face. I don’t need to be aging any faster than I already am. And of course lots of sunscreen.
Sunscreen yourself, moisturizer for the lips
Just because it is Summer does not mean that this is the time of year to wear sunscreen. We must wear it 365 days a year to help fight skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. Use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser to get rid of dead skin, but use only at night because it makes you sensitive to the sun. And my last tip is to use a Daily Antioxidant Serum! Serums are nutrient packed and really help decrease wrinkles.
Myself and my kids all use sunscreen outdoors and many times, they put on a hat as well to protect their face
Stay hydrated, use lots of moisturizer after sun exposure, and always use sunscreen outdoors.
Lather up with sunscreen before going to the beach, reapply after going into the water or after 2 hours. Drink lots of water.
My tip is to wear tinted moisturizer instead of a heavy foundation to keep your skin feeling lighter.
I moisturize with SPF and put lip balm daily. Sunglasses too are a must to protect your eyes.
I always put on a layer of moisturizer before leaving the house and SPF if I’m ever going to be more than 5 minutes out where the sun is.
Always wear hat and sunglasses, of course sunscreen too.