I love Spring! To me it symbolizes a season of change, transitions, and new beginnings. I don’t know about you, but for me this is the time of year that I get obsessed with Spring cleaning. I am focused on decluttering, getting rid of the old, unused, too big, too small, outdated crap and I LOVE it! It is so freeing when you let go of the unwanted stuff and make room for new possibilities, and for me this is what Spring is all about.
I challenge you, gorgeous reader, to make a point this Spring season of cleaning, organizing, decluttering and getting rid of the stuff you just don’t have a use for anymore. Try this, and then pay attention to how it makes you feel. Do you feel lighter, more free, open? Have you created new space for possibilities, growth and change?
In honor of this glorious season (BTW as I write this, I am in Palm Springs in 80 degree weather which certainly encourages this inspired mood), I encourage you to start thinking about new beginnings. What is it time to let go of? What has been holding you back? What do you need to free yourself of? What have you been reluctant to start and now need to be encouraged to ‘spring’ into?
If I gave you a magic wand and anything was possible and nothing could hold you back, what would you do now that you have always wanted to do? If I could give you infinite support, motivation and encouragement, what might you try now that you have never done before?
I want you to take out a piece of paper and make a list of 5 things that you need to get rid of right now or 5 things you need to change in order to open yourself up to possibilities. Spend some time really looking at this list, look for themes and patterns that are obstacles for you. What is your primary block to forward movement? How can you really let go? Now look a little deeper and journal on this paper about what really holds you back and gets in your way, and then, drum roll please . . . . . crumble it in a ball or tear it into small insignifcant pieces and throw it away! Viola! Freedom and openness, the pump is primed and ready.
Now, make a list of 5 things you want to begin this Spring. Anything is possible, what do you want to do? Take some time to really listen to your soul, quiet your mind and dig deep for what really makes your heart smile. Dive in, take a chance and go for it! If 5 is too much start with 3, but START! Do it! And then post here and let me know what exciting new things all of you fabulous lovelies are up too.
Spring Fever is in the air, can you feel it?? 🙂
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