Happy Spring Everyone! I don’t know about you, but every Spring I get this overwhelming desire to clean house, de-clutter, throw away/donate unused stuff, and organize my life. Today was that kind of day for me, I felt an amazing rush of energy this morning when I woke up and was thankful that today was going to be my Beautiful Change Challenge #3: A Day of Spring Cleaning. I felt exhilarated and ready to conquer my closets and bathroom one section at a time. It’s now midnight as I write this post, and I am finally settling down after cleaning out: 5 closets, 8 drawers, 1 pantry and 5 bags of discarded stuff later! Whew, that feels SO good!
Here are my rules of thumb for de-cluttering and Spring Cleaning:
- When in doubt, get RID of it!
- If it doesn’t fit, get RID of it!
- Try on EVERYTHING! You might be surprised by what fits, what doesn’t and what just doesn’t look good anymore
- An added bonus of cleaning out your closet is that sometimes you rediscover clothes that you forgot about and it’s like going shopping in your own closet for FREE-I love this part!
- If you haven’t worn something in the past year, you probably never will, time to say Sayanora!
- Try to organize your clothes in a way that makes sense to you, I tend to group my clothes by colors because I think it looks pretty & makes it easy to find what I am looking for
- Move your heavier/warmer winter clothes to storage to make room for Spring & Summer Fashions (lots of color this season BTW)
- If you haven’t used a beauty product in the last 6 months, get RID of it!
- If something smells less than optimal, get RID of it!
- FYI Your mascara should be replaced every 3 months
- Consider switching up your skin & hair care regimen every six months-I personally think Aveeno has great affordable products that really work & you might want to consider trying one of their new products this season
- De-clutter one drawer or section at a time so that you don’t get overwhelmed
- Consider having a Yard Sale with your discarded items to earn some extra $$ or donate to a local charity, it’s tax deductible

It may not look all that exciting to you, but to me it looks so neat and organized and it gives me infinite joy and a sense of accomplishment! And I think the best part about Spring Cleaning is that getting rid of your old unwanted items really opens you up and frees up your space (both mentally and physically) for exciting new possibilities (not to mention FAB new fashions & beauty booty)
So what are you waiting for? Hop to it, out with the old & in with the new, and welcome the possibilities!
I’d love you to come back next week for my Beautiful Change Challenge #4: Making A Conscious Effort To Be More Peaceful
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Disclosure: Compensation was provided by AVEENO® via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of AVEENO®
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I love this post! I’m right there with you. Spent all day yesterday clearing the clutter. You are right! I too believe it opens the space and allows for new things and new possibilities to flow into your life. Tis’ the season to DETOX! 🙂