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I was super excited to write this post because being a beauty blogger, I am continually asked to share some of my favorite beauty tips and tricks for busy women on-the-go and because I am a multi-tasking, dual career mom it happens to be one of my favorite subjects! I get so excited when I discover products that help me look and feel fab and save time too!


1)  BB Creams Instantly Transform Your Skin I am absolutely obsessed with BB Creams, in my opinion they are one of the most brilliant beauty innovations of the last few years because all it takes is this one multi-tasking product to immediately transform your skin from drab, flawed and splotchy to smooth even and radiant. I am continually testing out BB Creams to see which impress and my newest fav is Revlon Photoready BB Cream Skin Perfector SPF 30 BB Cream Skin Perfector Revlon’s BB is a lightweight, multi-benefit Beauty Balm that combines skincare, makeup, and sunscreen into one step. This impressive BB hydrates, smooths, primes, covers and conceals flaws and protects with SPF 30 like sunscreen. What I love about Revlon’s BB is how hydrating it is, how perfectly their Light Medium shade matches my skin and the beautiful coverage that still lets my skin show through (The right half of my face has the BB cream & the left doesn’t)


Revlon BB


2) Dry Shampoo is Your Best Friend I don’t know about you, but because I am so busy, I am washing my hair less and less these days, which in fact is better for you cause it allows your natural oils to nourish your mane. In the summer especially, I am either wearing my hair back or trying to milk a blowdry for at least 3 days and a spritz or sprinkle of dry shampoo (or baby powder in pinch) totally freshens your do, absorbs oil and saves you time. LOVE!


3) Instantly Freshen Your Look with a Pop of Color on Your Lips I am always amazed at what a splash of skin flattering lip color can do to immediately freshen my look. And now with all the vibrant, radiant pinks, reds, oranges and corals on trend right now, you can find the perfect shade of lipstick to make your look pop in an instant. I am totally digging Revlon’s Super Lustrous Shine Lipstick because it’s a lightweight moisturizing silky formula that gives you a gorgeous splash of shiny color. Loving the vibrant pink Fuchsia Shock shade. Super Lustrous Shine Lipstick 4)  Add a Drop of Oil for Skin That Glows My 40+ year old skin is lapping up all the gorgeous face oils on the beauty landscape right now. These oils are not at all greasy and totally rejuvenate and boost drab skin. Everyone always tells me that my skin is glowing and honestly oils are a big part of it. Here’s a simple FAB oil tip: You can use a few drops of good olive oil to give your skin a gorgeous sheen.


5) A Splash of Lipgloss Makes a Girl Feel Glam & Sexy A swipe of a gorgeous gloss can totally change a girl’s mood, you know what I mean? Revlon’s New Super Lustrous Lipgloss is a FAB lipgloss that totally moisturizers and plumps your lips instantly. I love the lightweight, non-sticky silky texture and the beautiful range of colors. Makes me feel glam and sexy in an instant. Super Lustrous Lip Gloss

Revlon believes there is more than one way for women to be seen. Revlon’s heritage as a color authority and its suite of innovative products inspires women around the world to express themselves through beauty each and every day.

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Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Revlon Consumer Products via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Revlon Consumer Products.

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