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‘Air Play’ is a joy-filled circus style performance that uses the magic of air, balloons & more to tap Into our child-like wonder

Last week I saw one of the most joy-filled, uplifting, fun shows that I have seen in a long time. Air Play is a refreshing, feel-good performance art, circus-style show featuring two siblings and their playful, fun and inspired interaction with air.

Air Play was created by Acrobuffos circus performers Seth Bloom and Christina Gelsone (a real-life couple who met in the circus) in collaboration with kinetic sculptor Daniel Wurtzel, to explore the interaction between simple materials, movement and technology and their interplay with air. During this clever show, the two performers use ethereal fabrics, balloons, umbrellas, snow, glitter and a variety of fans to make us smile, to enchant our senses and take us on a journey of being a kid again what it is like to play and just have fun!

Seth and Christina are two clowns engaged in a silent yet playful sibling-like dance of antagonism and affection using physical comedy, props and audience interaction to tease and taunt one another into pranks and silly child-like games. Seth and Christina love how their show has touched people around the world, “Audiences tell us that the wonder and discovery of ‘Air Play’ are bold reminders of their own childhood and growing up, of friendship, sibling rivalry, loss, and memory, umbrellas and glitter, and the effect is pure delight.”

Air Play is a delightful show that is great for theater-goers ages 5 to 100 because it is simple and fun and most importantly it taps into the freedom and child-like wonder of being a kid. This show is part comedy, part sculpture, part circus, part theatre and the perfect feel-good escape from our stress-filled adult world!

Air Play by Accrobuffos has been touring the world and delighting audiences since 2015 and it has been seen by more than 150,000 people and counting! Don’t miss your chance to take part in the fun and see this wonderful, unique joy-filled show before it ends its run at The Broadstage in Santa Monica this weekend on July 31, 2022. Get your tickets HERE

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