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Sorry for the lapse in posts loyal followers, but I am taking a much needed summer vacation and with that comes being caught up in the moment, absorbed in the experience and just being. This is what I love most about going on vacation, taking each moment as it comes, not much planning, going with the flow and being present. So I thought I would share some of my thoughts and observations with you about being present, since it has been awhile since I wrote one of my more psychologically oriented posts. 

If you are anything like me in your day to day life, you are constantly racing around from here to there, filling your day with to do’s, work, errands, socializing, care taking and the list goes on and on. Sometimes I buzz so fast through life or worry about what’s next, I forget to pause and be in the moment in order to observe what is going on around me, how about you?

Being on vacation with no agenda and all that matters is being with my family is showing me that I am missing out on some precious moments, especially with my son. Right now, I have no distractions, no to do’s, no deadlines, no appointments and I am lapping it all up. We are giggling, laughing, playing, snuggling, pillow fighting, firefly and baby frog catching, adventuring and I am really being with him. This focused presence is showing me how much I am really missing, how many subtle and precious moments I am missing out on because I am focused on something else. In the moment these things feel more important, but they really aren’t and that makes me sad.

In truth, what is really more important than being with my son and family? NOTHING!! Blogging can wait, Blackberry can wait, events can wait, but my son growing up and being a little boy will not wait. I will blink, it will all be over, I will still have the same to do list and nothing to show for it. So this vacation has really helped me see what is really important, to slow down, be present and shrink down the unnecessary to do list and drink it the precious moments before they are gone.

What are your most precious moments? What moments are you missing and what tips can you share that have helped you be more present?

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  1. I love this post! I just came off a 12 day vacation back east with my boys and “totally” get what you are saying!! Being together with family and experiencing fun and frivolous moments together was just the best! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in all our “to-do’s” and miss the most important moments. I hope to bring back these realizations and continue to work on a “life of balance” while relishing in the joy my children bring to my life!!

  2. You and I are thinking a like. The family was watching a movie the other night together staying up late and I was enjoying the togetherness time and freedom of summer. I also have to say that I love this age. My daughter is 10 and going into 5th grade and so much fun to be around.

  3. You’re so right about that blink and it’s over. Those precious, precious years really do set the tone for your life long relationship. I am amazed at how many “trivial” things my son remembers so well. Enjoy your vacation and kids because that time does go by so fast.

  4. Superkitty says:

    I think I’m pretty spoiled because being able to work from home a lot, I don’t miss out on anything. Before I even decided to have children, I used my own childhood as a template for how not to raise kids and knew that for me, I’d have to be there. I can think back to so many important moments for me over the span of my childhood years and they simply weren’t around for much of it. I know intellectually that they were working, but for a child, the simple truth that the whys don’t make much of a difference.

    What’s really hard for me is when I have to miss putting G to bed, reading her a story and having one of our little talks. It’s such a peaceful part of the day, and even when I’m exhausted, it’s always a wonderful little moment.

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