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thanksgiving2In honor of this important holiday of harvest, diversity and gratitude, I thought I would write a post to make you pause and reflect. Instead of food, lifestyle and beauty, I am going deep. . . I am asking you to take a moment and reflect about your life and appreciate all that you have.


Today, I am posing some questions to you in hopes that it will make you think, appreciate and perhaps get some new perspective on your life. Take a moment to write down your responses to these questions so that you can reflect on them at a later date. In my day job, I am a professional question asker (moderator and previously a therapist), so now I have decided to flex this muscle in my blog, so here goes:


  • What are you most thankful for this year? List at least 5 things
  • Other than thanksgiving, do you regularly take the time to appreciate all the gifts in your life?
  • Have you taken the time lately to thank the people who make your life better? If not, use this post as a gentle reminder to reach out and say thank you
  • Have you ever made a gratitude list? If not, every night before you go to bed reflect on three things that you are grateful for and see how it makes you feel in the morning
  • Consider making a gratitude collage in honor of Thanksgiving, filled with everything that fills your heart and makes you smile–and use it during those stressful times
  • If you have faced any challenges this year, what pulled you through it? Take a moment to be thankful for overcoming hardship
  • In terms of being thankful and coming from a place of gratitude, what is the one thing that you want to make sure that you always appreciate and acknowledge not matter what?
  • Save these questions and your responses, and reflect on your growth year after year

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit today. I wanted you to know that I am very thankful for this blog, my dedicated readers and the freedom to share my passions with you.


Have a wonderful day and make sure to take the time to absorb the moments,



The Gratitude Goddess

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  1. Dapper Darling says:

    I really like this post! I think about the things I am thankful for every night! It gives you a reality check on the day.

    happy sharefest

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